Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hello everyone!

   I'm just stopping by for a few words today.  Just letting you know that I'm still here if your wondering.  :)  I have been dealing with somethings here in our lives that had been on going for a few months.  So unfortunately I had to take a break from my Blog and my Cake decorating as well.                                       

The one thing that I do know is I do believe in Angles.  I believe our angle was looking down on us the other day and I thank you for that.  And I have been reminded that we only live once and to treat others as you would like to be treated.  Because some of us don't get that chance at all.  
 I am back in action!!!!  Oh ya!!!!    Three days ago I received in less then 24 hours six cake orders pulse 2 wedding cakes.  I believe that this is a sign!  Thank you!!!

 Oh yes before i forget an up date on Chris's deer hunt.  In the last half an hour of the hunt which was on a Sunday night,  HE GOT HIS DEER!!!!   I was very excited for him.  (our freezer is now full).  He now only has 13 more days to bow hunt.  Lets hope for the best!!!!!

I hope everyone is getting geared up for the Holidays!!!   We are heading off to an early family Christmas today for brunch.  Yum, Yum!!!  The girls are just finishing up their Gingerbread houses and then we are off.  Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!   I'll be back soon!!!!   Until then my friends!!!!!

Have a great day!!!   Love Kendall,    oxoxox

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Skunked Friday

Hi everyone!!! Well yesterday Chris didn't have any luck with the deer but sure did with the cyotes. He saw two yesterday morning. Sorry to all the animal lovers but they are a pain in the you know what!!! They have killed friends cattle, and have attacked and killed friends dogs. They have also been seen out and about while people are walking their dogs during the day. There's two dens along the creek behind our house, a little to close to home!!! I'll never forget when Chris came home one day last winter and told me this. He has been on the hunt for them ever since!!! There was also a day when I just happened to take a look out our kitchen window, I noticed that Jesse ( our horse) was standing at the edge of his fence. It seemed odd! Then started trotting really fast down his fence line. I know that there was something wrong! All of a sudden I saw it, the cyote just slowly walked along Jesses fence line (on the other side). And away he went up the fence line, along the field next to us and over the bank to the creek. I was thinking What The Bleep, Bleep, Bleep!!!!! Ever since then there are times when I hate the kids going outside. But what do you do, lol, think positive!!!!!!!
So I hate to say it but no deer again! Chris is taking the day off today which is nice and I have cakes to bake. Happy Saturday, i'll be enjoying the smell of cake, lol. I am also going to be making more of this sweet yummy stuff, lol. Does it look funny??? Well it's the best caramel corn EVER!!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hunting update.

A Big Hey to everyone!!!! So I realized after last nights post that the pictures that I posted are not in order. I have been posting from our iPhone, which I finally figured out after a few months of trying. Yes I am so computer/iPhone friendly, lol, not! Lol. So the easiest way is I just added the Blogger app. So easy!!! Now I can blog in a heart beat! So back to the picture thing, there not in order, which I'm not imprest about, but what do u do. Today's deer count Monday#1, Tuseday#1, Wednesday#5, Thursday# 0, but that could change , the guys have only did their morning hunt and are now back at our shop gabing about their morning, lol. It pretty funny listning to them!!!! And if your wondering what I have been up to, well this is it. My project for this morning. I hope my girls love it. (it's for their room), and on Tuseday I was given some great picture frames. Love them!!! Thanks Kate, and your Grandparents as well. They will be loved here!!!!! Lol. Happy Thursday everyone and I will be back later on tonight to fill you in on the rest of today's hunt. Happy Hunting Boyz!!!!!!! Have a great rest of the day, until then! Kendall. Oxoxox

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Oh a Hunting we will go!

Hello fellow readers!!! Some great news today my friends. Chris's hunting group has had great luck!!! Seven deer already!!! Monday # 1, Tuesday # 1, Today (wednesday) # 5. This afternoon most of the guys took time away from their tree stands to butcher a couple deer. So if u have a weak tummy or an animal lover u may not appreciate these pictures. One week out of the year chris and some of his friends devote themselves to their deer hunting. It's all they do 24/7!!! With a little sleep In between, lol. For the last two years Chris has been butchering his own deer. And yes I have helped gutting deer when I was pregnant with Jack. And to my surprise I was fine. So here goes nothing, enjoy or don't enjoy. This is what's going on right now, literally, lol.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

So much fun!!!

Last night we went out trick r treating, oh it was so much fun!!! (to be a kid again). This year I did my best to make their costumes, I sure will be doing this again!!! I spent $5. 00 at the Dollar Store for a few things that was just easier to buy. And the rest we had here at home. After last year spending $75.00 on two costumes (never again will that happen!) I was mortified after realizing how much they were, but by then we were in the truck leaving the Wal Mart parking lot. And the girls were so excited because they picked out their fav costume. I couldn't dare take them back. (i didn't want to be in the worst mother ever book, again!) Some of you may know this book too. Lol. So here's some pre treating action, hahaha. Zoe's the poser this time around. I'm not sure if Jack's into it as much, lol. I hope that everyone had a great safe night out trick r treating!!!!! We sure did!!! Have a great rest of the day!!! Happy Tuesday everyone!!! See ya in the next few days, Love Kendall. Oxoxox

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Surprise 40th!

Hi everyone! I hope that everyone had a great weekend!!! I sure did, I kept myself busy with cake orders, the girls and their sleep overs and Chris getting ready for hunting season which started this morning for the early controlled gun hunt. (it's deer season here). Good luck Chris!!! More on the deer hunting later, I hope to post daily maybe more, positive thinking!!! (I'm so behind with posting :( ). So anyways one of the cakes that I did this weekend was for a duelist 40th B-day. So this is one of the cakes that she ordered. There was two cakes but the other one is xxx rated. Sorry but these will not be posted on my Blog.
. Be back later with news on the Hunt. Have a great morning!!!!!!! (wrong date on post, I posted this Monday November 7/2011, sorry). Happy Hunting Boyz!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Hello everyone!

A huge hello to everyone out there!!! Yes I'm still alive!!! I'm thanking God for that right now! I'm just letting you know that I have yet to get our computer fixed. And oh how I miss it. An iPhone here and there just doesn't cut it for me. I'm in need of a bigger screen, lol. It has been a while since I have posted! While I have been gone I have been up to lots!!! My cakes are going amazing! And some extra projects are getting done. Can't wait to share!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!! And I'll be back soon!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

WIWW # 3, Niagara Falls.

Hello Everyone!!!

Its Wednesday once again and I will be linking up with The Pleated Poppy  with WIWW.  If you are wondering what this is pop on over to The Pleated Poppy and take a look see. 

So here goes nothing. 
Over the weekend I was on a Batchlorette weekend with some fab. girlfriends. I also made a few more to!!!  We had such a blast!!!!!   So here are a few outfits that I wore.

Friday night Dinner outfit.  (at our hotel room)

Jacket- HMD, from girlfriend Kate
Shirt- Joe Fresh
Pants-HMD, from girlfriend Kate

What everyone else wore wine tasting.  The Hillebrand Estates was the first stop of three vineyards.

What I wore.

Shirt- its brown this time, i changed it up, lol.  Joe Fresh
I was waring a feather earrings that I wish you could see.

Saturday night dancing outfit.  (I felt bare, thank you long hair you kept me warm!)

Top-GT Boutique (giant tiger) It was an animal print theme night Sat.

My new buys for the weekend.  Love them both!!!

Jewels-Arden's.  Its such a cool store for costume jewelry. And sooo CHEAP! 
These were 3/$10. Although I'm not wearing my third piece.

Have a great rest of the day!!!

Kendall oxoxox

Friday, September 23, 2011

Another Holiday for me???

Hello Everyone!!!

I'm so excited that once again this month I get another HOLIDAY!!!!  WHOOOO HOOOO!!!!!
For those that know me, you know that I don't get out much (at all). lol.   Now that I'm a mom, and a SAHM, it has taken a while for me to learn that it is OK for me time. That its OK for me to go away and not feel guilty and that I should be home with the kids.  But I have been home now for 7 1/2 years and so needing some me time, IT'S OK!!!   It was great to get away 2 weekends ago with 90 ladies a didn't even know. lol.  It was so relaxing for me even though the whole weekend we didn't stop. There was on going activities for 3 days.
So once again I get another weekend???  What , me???
This weekend myself and 7 other girls are heading to Niagara Falls, Ont.  Exciting!!!   I'm feeling like a little kid right now, hahaha.  We are heading there for our friend Kate Bachelorette Party.  She is marrying Chris's nephew Cory.  The Boys weekend was last weekend. Now its our time. we have some pretty fun things to do!!!  Saturday morning Wine Tour.  (I have always wanted to go on one of these, even though I don't drink and haven't for over 7 years.)  What have I got myself into?????  LOL!!!  I am looking forward to shopping in the city!!!

Anyways before I got myself ready for this weekend this is what I have been preparing for. 


When you walked in the back door this is what you were greeted with, yummy!

Dive in kids!!!

What they had to drink, everyone was a different colour of the rainbow. No fighting, it was great. You should try it sometime!  (and yes i did notice later that my rainbow is wrong here) 

All the colourful pom poms I made, there so fun!!!!

All our kids birthday parties take place in our back room, which is the play room.

LOVE the pinata.  Our kids have one at every birthday.  I love watching all the kids hit it and cheering them on. When you cheer them on they always want to hit it harder, lol.  and then all the other kids are screaming and laughing too. It gets pretty wild at our house when the pinata comes out!!!  I always end up in tears from laughing so hard!!!   

Pin the pot of gold under the rainbow.  I saw this on another ladies blog and fell in love with it!!!
the girls loved it to!

At the end of the game. A tie.

Spin the bottle for opening gifts. Emma's idea, what a great big sister!

The cake.

And the surprise inside!!!

Treat bags. Everyone had a colour. Orange has already left for home before I got a picture.

All the girls dressed in there colour that I wrote on their invite.  Great job Girls!!!
Zoe in Pink
Emma in Black, she was the pot of gold.

Have a great weekend friends!!!!

I have my shopping list ready.  Hoping for some great finds in the city!!!

until Monday...

Kendall oxoxox

Thursday, September 22, 2011

WIWW, week #2.

Hello everyone!!!  Thanks for stopping by!!!  For those that have stopped by before or its your first time its WIWW time!  (although I'm a day late posting this and I have missed 2 weeks, not good on my part) But better late then never.  Right? LOL.   So here it goes. 

top - Aeropostale
jeans - walmart
jean jacket - hand me down from my girlfriend Kate (just the other day) Thank you my friend!!!
scarf - Good Choice  (you can get everything at this store)

Purse - Good Choice  (its my pride & joy!, hahaha)  I'm sure some of you feel the same way.
My purse will be posted another day.

Shoes - The Shoe Barn  (a local shop)
(a $5 find, whoot for me)

I have once again entered the 90's with these shoes.hahaha  The loafer.
The first time I put these on to go out I got "Mom you look like a geek with those shoes on. There really geeky!!!"
Me,  "Oh". it totally caught me off guard. "Well your dad loves them".  hahaha

Have a fantastic Day!!!

Still loving my $5 find!!!

Kendall oxoxox