Friday, September 23, 2011

Another Holiday for me???

Hello Everyone!!!

I'm so excited that once again this month I get another HOLIDAY!!!!  WHOOOO HOOOO!!!!!
For those that know me, you know that I don't get out much (at all). lol.   Now that I'm a mom, and a SAHM, it has taken a while for me to learn that it is OK for me time. That its OK for me to go away and not feel guilty and that I should be home with the kids.  But I have been home now for 7 1/2 years and so needing some me time, IT'S OK!!!   It was great to get away 2 weekends ago with 90 ladies a didn't even know. lol.  It was so relaxing for me even though the whole weekend we didn't stop. There was on going activities for 3 days.
So once again I get another weekend???  What , me???
This weekend myself and 7 other girls are heading to Niagara Falls, Ont.  Exciting!!!   I'm feeling like a little kid right now, hahaha.  We are heading there for our friend Kate Bachelorette Party.  She is marrying Chris's nephew Cory.  The Boys weekend was last weekend. Now its our time. we have some pretty fun things to do!!!  Saturday morning Wine Tour.  (I have always wanted to go on one of these, even though I don't drink and haven't for over 7 years.)  What have I got myself into?????  LOL!!!  I am looking forward to shopping in the city!!!

Anyways before I got myself ready for this weekend this is what I have been preparing for. 


When you walked in the back door this is what you were greeted with, yummy!

Dive in kids!!!

What they had to drink, everyone was a different colour of the rainbow. No fighting, it was great. You should try it sometime!  (and yes i did notice later that my rainbow is wrong here) 

All the colourful pom poms I made, there so fun!!!!

All our kids birthday parties take place in our back room, which is the play room.

LOVE the pinata.  Our kids have one at every birthday.  I love watching all the kids hit it and cheering them on. When you cheer them on they always want to hit it harder, lol.  and then all the other kids are screaming and laughing too. It gets pretty wild at our house when the pinata comes out!!!  I always end up in tears from laughing so hard!!!   

Pin the pot of gold under the rainbow.  I saw this on another ladies blog and fell in love with it!!!
the girls loved it to!

At the end of the game. A tie.

Spin the bottle for opening gifts. Emma's idea, what a great big sister!

The cake.

And the surprise inside!!!

Treat bags. Everyone had a colour. Orange has already left for home before I got a picture.

All the girls dressed in there colour that I wrote on their invite.  Great job Girls!!!
Zoe in Pink
Emma in Black, she was the pot of gold.

Have a great weekend friends!!!!

I have my shopping list ready.  Hoping for some great finds in the city!!!

until Monday...

Kendall oxoxox

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