Hi everyone!!! Hope you all have have a great couple of weeks!!! Finally I'm in the mood and along with a few quiet moments to myself, the kiddos are still in bed, to fill you in on how things are going around here. So here goes, I believe I ended last with Jack having a week in his cast before he had another appointment in London at The Children's Hospital. On July 16 was his first appointment, everything was going great so we thought:) Then the Dr. said that he wanted to admit him. What! I think Chris and I were in shock for a few seconds. They said that they were going to go call about a bed for him and I think they got the hint by the looks on our faces we weren't ready for what they had just said. lol. We both looked at each other and said but we don't have anything with us. Seeing as we live 2 hours away they told us to go home get everything figured out with the girls and to pack our bags for the week, then come back tomorrow. We ended up going back to the hospital the next day (Tuesday) and Jack was admitted for his hospital stay. For our hospital stay Jack was taken out of his cast and put into traction. Which is weights hanging off the end of his right leg and him laying on his back for a week. How in the world to you keep a 2 1/2 year old on his back for 8 days, well stickers were the greatest thing ever!!!
Our days consisted of: sleeping in because we were up so much through the night, with pain or vitals needed.
waking up to watch treehouse
watching Treehouse
play with trucks
stickers on paper the ripping them off again
still watching Treehouse
colouring and ripping the colouring books apart
putting stickers all over ourselves
watching Treehouse
putting stickers on paper
playing with Thomas the train
maybe some colouring
NAP TIME!!!!! (we both did)
waking up
watching more Treehouse
sticking stickers everywhere
we were still watching TV. (treehouse)
colouring on paper
ripping paper to shreds
playing with toy animals
playing with trucks and cars
more stickers!!!
Eventually it was night time and when we had a window bed or no neighbour next to us we put the city to sleep.
Through out the week we did change a few things up, we got some bubbles, new stickers, a personal DVD player, and some new toys, and books!
I was very worried about how he was going to be for the week, but he was pretty good through out our 8 day stay. We ended up coming home on the 25 of July just before midnight. The senior resident wanted us to stay another night because Jack went into the OR so late but we were ready to go home. The reason for him having to go to the OR was not for surgery but they did have to put him under to put his cast on. We are still thanking God that he has not had to have any surgery, because down the road he would then have to have more surgery's.
Our fingers are crossed that at Jacks next appointment Aug, 17 his x-rays are looking great!!!
So I better go, we have swimming lessons to get to.
Have a great rest of the day!!!
Kendall oxoxox
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