Monday, April 23, 2012

Great Monday!!!

Hello to all!!!

So this morning I was up before the birds, It was oh so peaceful!!!  Instead of banging and clanging around and waking up the whole house hold I sat my behind down in front of our computer, with a nice hot coffee. Oh my life is great!!!  Until I was going through my feed  (if your a blogger u will know what I'm talking about)  My life got even more fantastic, haha,  A fellow Blogger has already posted about her fantastic SNAP weekend!  WOW and full of excitement for her and all the other Ladies that attended the Utah weekend!  I'm still hopping that one year I will be heading to SNAP :)   I loved what Lyndsey from the Pleated Poppy said  "She loved being in a room full of gals that got her!!!"  What a great feeling that would have been!!!  Along with all the crafty goodness!!!  
While a flight to Utah wasn't in my plans I did get on the Bow Tie Band Wagon though.

These are made from 100% wool.   Jack looked too cute with them on.  Next time we're going to have to have the camera ready!

This weekend I also had Cake orders to fulfill.  And had so much fun creating them!!!   This here cake was for a wee man turning 1.  He had a Johnny Tractor themed Birthday.  The bottom of the barn was vanilla and under the roof was chocolate all with vanilla butter cream.

Happy Birthday Logan!!!

Thank you for your cake orders this weekend!!! 

Tomorrows post just very well might be on snow that we are to get tonight.  The wind died down here a bit (the calm before the storm)  I'm praying that we don't get the 10 cm that they are calling for!!!  

Enjoy your night!!! 

Kendall   oxox 

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